Functional Programming Simplified: Chapter 26
I had a great day at work yesterday, that I believe was all due to purposefully learning Scala in the morning. Going to keep doing this until I finish the book!
Scala functions can have multiple parameter groups, I knew that:
def sayHello(firstName: String)(lastName: String) = ???
This gives the benefit of:
- Have implicit and non-implicit parameters (this I already knew)
- Facilitates type inference (don’t understand this yet)
- A parameter in one group can use a parameter in the other as a default value (sounds complicated as hell)
def sum(a: Int)(b: Int)(c: Int) = a + b + c
sum(1)(2)(3) // 6
Making your own control structures:
This gives us the wacky ability to do that, for example with a custom whilst
var i = 0
whilst (i < 5) {
Notice how the while loop is two parameters - (i < 5) that returns a Boolean, and the {}
The second parameter in this case is a by-name parameter that gets evaluated every time it’s called
Example function signature:
def whilst(testCondition: => Boolean)(codeBlock: => Unit) = ???
is a by name parameter because if it wasn’t, it would be evaluated only once at the beginning of the function execution to 0 < 5, and be summarized to true. By-name means it is evaluated new every time.
being by-name is because that’s what allows you to pass a code block.
Important to note by-name parameters do not have types, they are like a def
Example of a double if statement:
ifBothTrue(first: => Boolean)(second: => Boolean)(code: => Unit): Unit = {
if(first && second) {
Notice how you can call by-name parameters like that code
Implicits in a function definition will automatically be passed if they are in scope when the function is called. I knew that already, but what I didn’t conciouslly understand was that the second parameter group is key - the implicit needs to be defined in the second parameter group to be automatically passed. The Scala compiler needs the implicit to be in a second parameter group to be able to either autofill it or throw a compiler error that the implicit hasn’t been passed.
Don’t overuse implicits, they are nice for shared context that needs to be passed around. Think of them as an alternative to dependency injection.
For example, an ActorSystem
creates an ExecutionContext
that gets passed around via implicits to most Akka functions. Much easier than manually passing it yourself.
For implicits, a method can only have one implicit parameter list and it has the be the last parameter list
Default Values
You can always specify default values:
def f2(a: Int= 1)(b: Int = 2) = {a + b}
// You need the parenthesis to get the default values:
Next up is partially applied functions!